College Rules and Regulations
Class Hours
- The first bell for the class is rung at 9.25 a.m. / 1.25 p.m., and the second bell is rung at 9.30 a.m. / 1.30 p.m. for the commencement of the class for the afternoon and afternoon sessions. A bell is given at the end of each period. A long bell goes at the end of the day at 3.30 pm.
- At the first bell, students shall go to their respective classes and take their seats so as to be present when the teacher enters.
- Students shall occupy the seats assigned to them and shall not change them without the permission of the teacher.
- No student shall leave the classroom during a lecture without the permission of the teacher.
- Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each hour.
- A student who is not in the class when attendance is taken will be marked absent.
- Latecomers will not be admitted to the class without an admission slip from the respective head/dean or a person authorized by him/her for the purpose.
Leave of Absence
- A student requiring leave for a portion of a class must apply to the Class In-charge in person before the class begins or at the Break.
- A student requiring leave for a whole session must apply to the Head of the Department in writing Format.
- All leave applications must be sent in the prescribed form, available in the College Office.
- A student who applies for long leave on grounds of illness must attach a medical certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner with his/her leave application form.
Good Manners & Behavior
- Students attending classes, meetings, or other gatherings within the college are expected to be presentably dressed in accordance with approved etiquette.
- When a student meets a member of the staff for the first time in the day, he/she must greet him/her appropriately.
- Students are forbidden to smoke in the college premises, to write or make any mark on the walls or desks, or to throw paper or ink on the walls or floors of the classrooms or corridors.
Disciplinary Regulations
- Students should abstain from active participation in party or communal politics.
- Students should wear the ID Card inside the campus
- Students should be in proper dress code as per imposed by the institution.
- The Principal or other College authorities may frame and issue from time to time disciplinary
rules of a permanent or temporary character which regulate the conduct of the students on the
rolls. So far, such rules seem necessary to maintain the creditability, usefulness and reputation
of the College or hostel. - The Principal shall have full power to inflict the following punishments in the interest of the
students or the Institution: Fine, lack of attendance, loss of term certificate, suspension or
expulsion. - Students should not indulge in any activity leading to the disruption of peace and discipline, or
dislocation of the normal functions or meetings. Those who are found guilty of violation of
this rule will attract any of the punishments mentioned in Disciplinary Regulations, as stated
in point 3 above. - Students who are guilty of (a) rude language towards the staff of the College (b) assaulting or
attempting to assault fellow-students or the College employees or other staff of the College
will attract any of the punishments mentioned in Disciplinary Regulations (the principal shall
have full power to inflict the following punishments in the interest of the students or the
Institution: Fine, lack of attendance, loss of term certificate, suspension or expulsion); - No private collection of funds shall be made from the students or the staff without the prior
permission of the Principal.
Fee Regulations
- The academic year for fee transaction purposes shall be divided into three terms
- The month of June/September and December.
(i) First term commences with the re-opening of the College after the summer vacation and continues till the end of the month June
(ii) Second term commences at the midpoint of the semester upto the month end of September.
(iii) The Third term commences to the End of the semester upto the month end of December. - The term fees shall be paid in three payments, except where otherwise specified.
- Every student has to pay the whole fees for the year during any part of which his / her name is on the rolls and his / her attendance registered, whether such fee be paid in one sum or in three
payments, except where otherwise specified. - The whole amount of the first term payment must be paid by a new student before his / her
name is on the rolls and his / her attendance registered except where otherwise specified. - All fees payable by students shall be paid only through bank accounts. The Bank will issue a
receipt (challan) for every payment. Students must preserve these fee receipts carefully till the
end of the course. - Students who do not pay the fees by the due dates shall pay a fine after the due dates.
Absence with or without leave is no grounds for exemption from this rule. - Names of students who have not paid the whole fees before the last day for payment of the
fees with fines are liable to be struck off the rolls. Such students will be re-admitted only on
payment of the entire amount of the fees due with fine along with re-admission fee. They will
also lose attendance from the date on which their names are struck off the rolls till the date of
their re-admission. - Holders of scholarships and fee Concessions from the government, university, college, or
other sources are also bound by all the foregoing regulations. - The College reserves the right to increase the rates of fees to all classes at the beginning of
any academic year if additional costs have to be met.