
The institution provides facilities for the events of sports and games. The full time Physical Director is responsible for conducting all the sports events. Inter-Collegiate sports events are being conducted to encourage the students who are involved in sports and games. The institution organises Inter-School Sports even every year in the college premises to motivate the school students.

The college has appointed a regular Director of Physical Education. But the activities of the Department for Physical Education cannot be carried out by a single individual. Hence the Sports Committee assists the Director of Physical Education. The Committee normally interacts with students and mobilizes them towards sports activities. The Committee also supports the Director of Physical Education in organizing intra-campus as well as inter-campus sports programmes. The Committee also helps the Director to organize the Sports Day and purchase prizes for the winners on the Sports Day.


Indoor Games:

The institution provides facilities for the indoor games such as Carom & Chess. The students are well trained and make them participate in national or state level events.

 Outdoor games:

The institution also provides facilities for the outdoor games such as Volley ball, Throw ball, kho-kho and Athletic events such as long jump, high jump, shot put and javelin throw. Cricket cement nets and Basket Ball court are available in the campus. The students are well trained and make them participate in national or state level events.

This department is facilitating students to make the play in sports ground and providing play kits. Varies games, cricket, volleyball, Basketball, gymnastic, Indoor game like T.T, billiards, chess.