Procedures and policies

Procedures and policies

1.Library: –
Library is providing open shelf system for its users. Student need to present their valid photo ID for facilitating check out. They can borrow three books for seven days and faculty can borrow five books at a time. Library Timings- 8:00 a.m. to 4: p.m.
The library is headed by librarian and is the premises for both U.G and P.G library. He is supporting by the assistant librarian, supporting staff
The maintenances and upkeep of the infra facilities are carried out with the support of the heads of the particular infrastructure department (civil maintenance in charge, supervisor water and sewage, supervisor building, supervisor.

2. Laboratory Equipment: –

The equipment and machines in the laboratory are maintained by the lab- admin with the advice of HOD.

3. Computer software & UPS: –

The computer is maintained in the institution by information technology system support group, this division provide the integrated IT services like smooth running of automation, up-gradation and maintenance of websites, biometric, hardware, networking equipment melding intermit etc.

4. Vehicle & transport: –

The buses are plying covering all the routes for the use of staff and students, Monthly fees is charged for availing transport facility by staff of student the emergency van is available in the college 24×7 hours for students and faculty at the time of emergency.

5. Physical education Department: –

This department is facilitating students to make the play in sports ground and providing play kits. Varies games, cricket, volleyball, Basketball, gymnastic, Indoor game like T.T, billiards, chess.

6. Health care: –

Medical officer is available for any emergency treatment.

7.Amenities: –
Optimum working condition of all properties/ equipment on the campus is ensured through annual maintenance includes Generator, Air Conditioners, CCTV cameras and Water Purifiers. Apart from contract workers, the college has trained in – house electricians and plumbers.
Adequate In – house staff is employed to meticulously maintain hygiene, cleanliness and infrastructure on the campus so as to provide a congenial learning environment. Classrooms, Staffrooms, Seminar halls and Laboratories, etc are cleaned and maintained regularly by Non – teaching staff assigned for each floor. Wash rooms and rest rooms are well maintained. Dustbins are placed in every floor. The Green Cover of the campus is well maintained by a full-time gardener.
The campus maintenance is monitored through surveillance Cameras.
• Every department maintains a stock register for the available equipment.
• Proper inspection is done and verification of stock takes place at the end of every year.